Saturday, April 12, 2008

A litte disappointed

So I had begun reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan back in the early 90's when my mother finally allowed me to read adult science fiction. The series was amazing, if a little bit long, and his last book came out in 07 and it was pretty good. Most of his books topped out around 600+ pages, with the exception of his prequels, and they would keep me entertained for a week or so which is saying a lot about a book and its author. Often he would release books every 2 years or so and when it is all said and done he wrote 11 books and 2 prequels to the whole series. As you can imagine this series has started to wore me out especially as it seemed he could have wrapped things up about two books ago. I have followed a bunch of authors who have written for a decade or more on a series but most of them, even Terry Goodkind, finished their series and moved on. Well finally in the 11th book he starts to brings things to a conclusion and so I was thinking today, "Hmm maybe he has already started to write the next book." And then I look at his official web page and remembered that he had quietly passed away last year. And I came to the realization that no one will probably pickup his series and finish it. Man...